I’m using Substack as my diary-meets-sketchbook that morphs into the Novella-meets-Comic-meets-Tarot adventures of a melancholy skeleton named Toby as he transitions from the scaffolding inside my brain into the flesh & bone of living and breathing philosophical, tragic, pop-culture-infused fodder.
Choose Your Own Adventure
There are a few entrance points into this twisted project of mine. Choose wisely. Or choose dumbly. You might end up in the exact same place.
For the juicy backstory, read this.
For my very first episode, head over here.
To completely skip the part where I was toiling away trying to “find myself” in this project, go straight to the Prologue which will eventually get you to Tarot Card 0 The Reboot, here. Every post has a red button at the bottom to lead you chronologically through the Tarot story.
For the most context, here’s the project’s “blurb” to give you the birds-eye view in 135 words:
To riff off Randy Pausch:
You can’t control the Tarot you’re dealt, just how you read the hand.
In a modern age obsessed with the pursuit of trauma analysis, we meet Toby. A festering paternal wound from his childhood devours his self-worth. A terrible injustice he inflicted on the love of his life hunts his every waking moment. He feels branded by these events of his past, irredeemably marked damaged goods. His identity, down to the cellular level of his skin, is his prison and his enemy. Toby is willing to try anything to peel away his layers of shame. Finding no saviors in the mainstream of psychological fixes, Sicada Labs’ radically innovative skin replacement procedure sounds just implausible enough to work. Living SkinFree™, however, reveals more than it removes. Toby’s past catches up with him when he meets a mysterious young chaplain on a covert mission to save the world from itself.