I love your weird babies like they’re my own. More importantly, Im so glad you’re here and sharing your weird babies with us.

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Skyler, ahh my lil heart! You can share ALL the weird babies with me. This co-parenting job takes a freakin village!

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😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 doesn’t it!?

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'or -GASP- just have fun' – this is a thing I'm working on pretty hard. What a weird sentence to type. But it's true, and the work is touching something deep enough that it's messing with my dreams at night. It's affirming and comforting to read about you working through what happens inside when the crickets descend.

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This whole month (plus) is definitely going to be a huge test. Staring at that monster on the floor in the cabin and learning to love instead of fear. But I know I have it in me! We both do!

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I know that monster. When it gets too big, I listen to Peter Gabriel's song, Darkness. It always helps in a very beautiful way. Have a listen.

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Thank you for sharing this, Katie — being so transparent and vulnerable is never easy, but you do it so beautifully. I feel these sentiments on every level.

You're here, you're publishing, and that's what matters! You're showing up to do the damn thing. (Which isn't something we did up until a couple months ago, right? 😂) And wherever your October takes you creatively, I'll be here reading every word you share!

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As always, Michael, I'm forever grateful for your support, appreciation, and serene sage badassary! In this world here, we're ensconced in writers/creators, but lest we forgot, most of the people we know in our lives are not. I often forget that, yep, we're the rare breed who are putting our bare souls out there for the public to judge 😂 – for crying out loud, let's give ourselves credit where credit is most assuredly due!!

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Seriously! We have no choice but to be gentle on ourselves and learn to enjoy the process. (Said to remind myself as much as you. 🤣)

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I didn’t know how much my anxious little heart needed a cowboy hat wearing companion. Thanks for beautifully sharing sentiments that I bet all creatives struggle with all the time. One person cracking the door open for others is powerful, Katie.

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Arby’s hat is definitely my creative lifecycle… And in all THREE worlds I live in these days!!! Jordan THANK YOU! Sharing is caring so hopefully these words curve past the void and find exactly who needs to hear them.

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You were ahead of your time with Resistance Rebels

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Aww Tim!!! What a rad thing to say, thank you!! I’m sooo behind on social, have you mentioned anything about doing Inktober this year??

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Nope. The lack of social engagement doesn’t bother me that much anymore (I’m very used to almost no one liking my art posts because everyone sucks) it’s that I’ll inevitably NOT finish that gets me. Inktober seems to be for a very particular kind of artist and just makes the rest of us feel shitty.

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Omg I heart this so hard hahaha!! And my soul cries all day. You’ll discover my version has no prompts, will suit my storyline/add to my canon, and I probably won’t do it every day, so will go well into November. So basically it’s barely if not not-at-all Inktober? 😂 Please do NOT feel shitty. I feell like there are far more of us than we think!

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The cowboy hat!

Now I understand....

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The silliest little thing!!

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